
Featured services

We provide the best services


Our technicians provide AC intallation service at your location and ensure that the AC is functioning properly.


Our technicians will conduct the uninstall process after inspection.


We provide AC replacement service with due care and under a budget.

Window Air Conditioner Cleaning

Our expert technicians provide window AC cleaning service without any trouble.

Split Air Conditioner Cleaning

Our technicians are very efficient at cleaning split ACs without any trouble.

Gas Refill & Leak Fix

We provide gas refill & leak fix services for AC at your location under a budget.


Our experienced technicians diagnosis the problem and provide repairing service accordingly.

Anti-rust Deep Clean AC Service

Our expert technicians provide anti-rust deep clean AC service at a reasonable price.

Deep Clean AC Service (Window & Split)

We provide best deep clean AC service for both window and split Acs at a reasonable cost.

Why choose us?

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Our latest AC servicing projects

We Provide Trusted Services For You

Our AC professionals listens to our client’s problems and work with them to make sure they are solved quickly. We don’t sell our customers anyother services which are not required. 

10 years of AC servicing experience
Over 5 branches across the city
personalized AC repairing System

Are you looking for professional AC services?

Call us now: (+91)  80015 86377 | (+91) 90918 05812